
Plastic Formwork: Revolutionizing Construction with Efficiency and Sustainability

Plastic formwork is an innovative building mold system, extensively used for shaping concrete structures. Crafted from lightweight and robust plastic, this modern alternative to traditional wood or metal formworks offers numerous benefits, making it a preferred choice in contemporary construction projects.

Rapid Scaffolding specializes in Plastic formwork systems designed for maximum durability and flexibility, capable of withstanding the lateral pressures of wet concrete through the use of advanced anchoring methods. These systems are tailored to facilitate smooth concrete finishes, ensuring efficiency and safety with a focus on reducing installation times and accommodating diverse project specifications.

Plastic Formwork Panel Size

NO.ModelSizeUnitspm/pcsUnit Weight(KG)
1Panel TP120/601200*600Pcs0.729.7
2Panel TP40/60400*600Pcs0.243.1
3Panel TP30/60300*600Pcs0.182.4
4Panel TP25/60250*600Pcs0.152.1
5Panel TP20/60200*600Pcs0.121.9
6Panel TP30/30300*300Pcs0.091.35
7Panel TP25/30250*300Pcs0.0751.2
8Panel TP20/30200*300Pcs0.061.03
NO.ModelSizeUnitspm/pcsUnit Weight(KG)
1Panel TP25/25250*250Pcs0.06251.05
2Panel TP20/25200*250Pcs0.050.93
3Panel TP20/20200*200Pcs0.040.78
Corner Panel60

Plastic formwork Project

Why Rapid?

Versatility: Suits a broad range of projects, from high-rises to bridges.      • Quality Finishes: Guarantees superior concrete surface quality.
Auto-Climbing Technology: Offers safer, crane-less high-rise construction.
Economic Efficiency: Balances cost-effectiveness with safety.
Robust Load Capacity: Ensures reliability under high concrete pressures.
Custom Solutions: Adapts to specific project needs with adjustable systems.
Expert Support: Provides experienced guidance and service.
Standards Compliance: Meets international safety and quality standards.
Sustainability: Emphasizes reusable materials for less environmental impact.

Key Advantages of Plastic Formwork:

  1. Lightweight and Durable: Plastic formwork is significantly lighter than its wooden or metal counterparts, which simplifies handling and reduces labor costs. Despite its weight, it is highly durable and can withstand multiple uses, offering excellent value over time.

  2. Easy to Install and Dismantle: The intuitive design of plastic formwork systems allows for quick and easy assembly and disassembly, speeding up the construction process and enabling faster project completion.

  3. Cost-Effective: With its reusability and minimal need for repairs, plastic formwork can be a more cost-effective solution over the project’s lifetime. Additionally, its ability to be cleaned and reused for different projects helps reduce overall material costs.

  4. High-Quality Surface Finish: The smooth surface of the plastic formwork ensures a superior concrete finish, reducing the need for further plastering or surface treatments and contributing to the aesthetic and structural quality of the built environment.

  5. Eco-Friendly: Plastic formwork systems are environmentally friendly. They generate less waste compared to traditional formworks, as they are recyclable and reduce the demand for timber, thereby aiding in forest conservation.


Plastic Formwork – The All-Inclusive FAQ Guide

Being one of the most popular types of formwork, plastic formwork is truly a need in most construction projects. Besides the fact that they’re needed by most projects and sites, they’re also responsible for the overall shape or form of the concrete that’s about to be poured into whatever building or establishment being worked on.

Whether it’s for plain or raw construction, maintenance or repairs, and even just interior or exterior designing, plastic formwork can help and assist in forming the concrete that’ll be needed for the project.

Before we get to the deeper part of discussing plastic formwork, let us first find and figure out what it is first!

Understanding Formwork

Formwork, in construction, is the mold that’s used for the shaping and forming of concrete slabs into the shapes and sizes needed for the project. Think of it as the “cookie cutter” in baking; it is the component responsible for the shape the concrete will take.

Here’s a video that outlines formwork!


What is Plastic Formwork?

Plastic formwork is one of the types of formworks in construction. They’re usually prefabricated and are actually categorized into different types, too. The reason why it’s called plastic formwork is because the materials used are plastic, not any other else.

Other types and materials used for formwork are steel, timber, plywood, an aluminum. For plastic formwork, however, they can be divided into different categories and classifications, too, which we’ll discuss in the next part of this guide.

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Types of Plastic Formwork

There are a few different classifications and categories of plastic formwork, they are the following:

Siscon Plastic Formwork System

Probably one of the more popular and more available types is the Siscon plastic formwork system. They’re typically used in different applications, such as walls, slabs, columns, and other elements. It’s a unique form of plastic formwork because it offers a complete solution.

Nova Plastic Formwork Systems

Besides Siscon plastic formwork systems, Nova formwork is a type of plastic-shuttering building system that’s famous because of their lightness, universality, simplicity, and overall durability. Furthermore, they’re also sought-after because of their competitive rates and pricing.

Plastic Formwork for Walls

These are plastic formworks that are intended for walls, both indoor and outdoor. Their purpose is to hold freshly and newly-poured concrete in place, creating and crafting the walls.

Plastic Formwork for Floors

If there’s plastic formwork for walls, there’s also plastic formwork for floors. Just because they’re held on the ground, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t need to be molded or shaped. Oftentimes, plastic formwork for floors is intended for specially-engineered floors and floors above the ground.

Plastic Formworks for Columns

Columns also need to be shaped and formed; they can’t just be made from free-flowing concrete. Oftentimes, these column formworks would follow the edges of the project – if it’s rounded, then it’ll be rounded columns, if it’s edged, then the columns would be edged.


Plastic Formwork Price: How Much Does Plastic Formwork Cost?

The rates and prices for plastic formwork vary. For instance, if you need plastic formwork for walls, the price will depend on the size of the wall, width, overall height, and materials used. Looking at the marketplace at the time of writing, you can get plastic formwork components and pieces from $2 (simple round column base) up to $40 (wall formwork).

If you’re interested to know more about the rates and prices of plastic formwork, check out Made-In-China’s plastic formwork results here!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Formwork

Plastic formwork is a wish come true for many, but is actually a topic for reconsideration for some. Let us now look at the different points of benefit and drawback that plastic formwork has:

Pros of Plastic Formwork

  • Lightweight and Easy to Transport:Plastic formwork is lightweight and easy to handle and carry, making it ideal for building sites.
  • Longevity and Durability: it also has a longer lifespan than traditional materials because it is resistant to corrosion and weathering.
  • Reusability: Since plastic formwork is made from plastic, it may be reused several times. This can effectively help decrease building costs.
  • Flexibility and Versatility:Adaptable to numerous forms and sizes, providing design and construction freedom.
  • Smooth Finish: Plastic formwork is also an excellent option for concrete buildings as it gives off a smooth surface finish, where you can avoid the need for extra finishing.
  • Cheap and Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial expenses are high, the long-term savings from reusability and simplicity of handling make it cost-effective.

Now that we’re aware of the pros and benefits, let us now look at some of the cons or drawbacks of plastic formwork:

  • Limitations on Load Capacity: Plastic formwork may have a lower load capacity than traditional formwork materials because it’s not as strong and tough as steel or aluminum.
  • Initial Cost: Plastic formwork has a greater and more expensive initial cost than traditional materials like wood and timber.
  • Environmental Impact:Plastic, although being reusable, has environmental implications. It can be hazardous to our environment, especially with the kinds and types of processes done to it.
  • High-Temperature Sensitivity:Plastic formwork may distort at high temperatures, unlike steel or timber. It’s not a good option for projects that involve highly-fluctuating temperatures

Where Can You Get High-Quality Plastic Formwork?

If you take a look at the market today, you’ll find that there are a lot of companies and manufacturers that offer plastic formwork. More so, there are marketplaces and websites that offer plastic formwork at varying rates and prices.

However, if you want to prioritize quality without actually spending more than what you can, you should be looking at a Chinese plastic formwork designer and supplier. And here in China, we here at Rapid Scaffolding are known to be the best and the leading manufacturing company of plastic formwork.

We can be your go-to supplier for plastic formwork, as well as other types of formwork and scaffolding materials, equipment, and items.

Why Rapid Scaffolding is Your Best Option

Out of all the many options you have for plastic formworks, we would definitely be your best option. Not only do we have the cheapest and most affordable products, but we’re also skilled and overqualified to get you the plastic formwork that you need!

Having worked with well over hundreds of clients and organizations globally, our business improved, scaled, and was able to accommodate and cater many other clients.

Since 2003, our business here at Rapid Scaffolding has taken us to great heights and allowing us to produce excellent-quality products and formworks to our clientele.

  • We’ve completed 2,500+ projects in our time in the industry
  • Our product range has grown from a few products to over 150 products
  • We have a team of customer experience representatives that are trained to provide excellent-quality customer service
  • Our team makes use of high-caliber and cutting-edge machines and technologies
  • We offer customization on the plastic formwork structures and systems that you need

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help and assistance with plastic formworks. Whether you’re worried about design, execution, and overall quality – we got your back!

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